Appendix – Taskforce on Climate related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)
See Our Board in the 2021 Corporate Sustainability Report
See Our Business Strategy in the 2021 Corporate Sustainability Report
Risk Management
See our Enterprise Risk Management in the 2021 Corporate Sustainability Report
Our materiality is determined and monitored by our Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework and reported to our governance functions at both board and executive leadership team. Our business strategy is informed by our enterprise risk management findings. Our risk management framework is comprised of six stages: 1) Identification, 2) Assessment, 3) Analysis, 4) Mitigation, 5) Monitoring and 6) Evaluation. In understanding the substantive impact of each risk, the assessment is completed using a global scoring matrix for probability, commercial impact, schedule impact, reputational impact, and manageability. Risk analysis based on the assessments establishes the most substantive and provides a basis for prioritizing efforts and allocating resources for managing risks. The specific analysis undertaken of each risk is a strategic internal matter not for widespread publication. However, below is an outline of our climate risks that we have Integrated into our multi-disciplinary company-wide risk management process:

Our Approach
Transitional Risks
Current Regulation
Threats: International agreements and national, regional and state legislation and regulatory measures or other restrictions on emissions of greenhouse gases could affect our clients. Such legislation or restrictions could increase the costs of projects for us and our clients or, in some cases, prevent a project from going forward, thereby potentially reducing the need for our services that could in turn have a material adverse effect on our operations and financial condition. We cannot predict when or whether any of these various legislative and regulatory proposals may become law or what their effect will be on us and our customers.
Mitigation: We maintain a watching brief across all our sovereign areas of our operations using a number of electronic trackers, search alerts and professional institutional briefings to anticipate and respond to emerging Regulation and Policy changes related to Sustainability, Compliance and Climate Related matters. Active and passive measures are in place to support legal changes. Climate activities by competitors are gathered and analyzed. Relevant developments are highlighted and escalated to the Sustainability Manager within Corporate as a common single source of truth.
Opportunities: Alternatively, these regulatory measures could also increase market and existing customer demand for our sustainable solutions, such as energy efficiencies, energy transition, decarbonization and climate and sustainability advisory services.
Emerging Regulation
Threats: Continued attention to issues concerning climate change or other environmental matters may result in the imposition of additional environmental regulations that seek to restrict, or otherwise impose limitations or costs upon, the emission of greenhouse gases. International agreements and national, regional and state legislation and regulatory measures or other restrictions on emissions of greenhouse gases could affect our clients. Such legislation or restrictions could increase the costs of projects for us and our clients or, in some cases, prevent a project from going forward, thereby potentially reducing the need for our services that could in turn have a material adverse effect on our operations and financial condition. Additionally, emerging regulations and legislative changes may affect us directly and impose significant operational costs. We cannot predict when or whether any of these various legislative and regulatory proposals may become law or what their effect will be on us and our customers.
Mitigation: as above
Opportunities: Alternatively, these regulatory measures could also increase market and existing customer demand for our sustainable solutions, such as energy efficiencies, energy transition, decarbonization and climate and sustainability advisory services.
Threats: Litigation could be brought about by clients, insurers, investors or shareholders for our potential failure to mitigate climate change and or provide insufficient or inaccurate details on our climate related disclosures.
Mitigation: Development of robust data collection systems and controls to ensure accurate and auditable climate related disclosures across the value chain.
Market and Technology
Threats: Changing customer behavior
Mitigation: We are addressing market risk by continuing to advance our planned core strategic focus bringing clean tech innovation and solutions to market through our Sustainable Technology and Government Solutions.
Opportunities: We are supporting and guiding our customers’ decarbonization, emission reduction and energy transition objectives with capital from these markets.
Threats: Investor and societal expectations with respect to environmental, social and governance matters have been rapidly evolving and increasing. We risk damage to our reputation if we do not act responsibly in key areas including environmental stewardship. A failure to adequately meet stakeholders’ expectations may results in loss of business, diluted market valuation, an inability to attract and retain customers and talented personnel, increased negative investors sentiment toward us and/or our customers, and the diversion of investment to other industries, which could have a negative impact on our stock price and our access to and costs of capital.
Physical Risks
Acute Physical
Threats: Climate change related events, such as increased frequency and severity of storms, floods, wildfires, droughts, hurricanes, freezing conditions and other natural disasters, may have an immediate impact on our business, financial condition and operations. We are proactively seeking measures to mitigate our business risks associated with climate change, as we recognize that there are innate climate related risks regardless of where and how we conduct our businesses. As such, a potential disruption to our and our customer's businesses from a natural disaster may cause us to experience work stoppages, project delays, financial losses and additional costs to resume operations such as increased insurance costs or loss of coverage, legal liability and reputational damage.
Mitigation: We currently measure climate and weather-related impacts on our operations by sector and by country. These are rolled up into an overall Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) dashboard with trend analysis being performed by at least two areas of our business. This provides increased visibility for forecasting potential issues by geography and industry type.
Threats: Chronic risks related to longer-term shifts in climate patterns may have a long-term impact on our business, financial condition and operations. We are proactively seeking measures to mitigate our business risks associated with climate change, as we recognize that there are innate climate related risks regardless of where and how we conduct our businesses. As such, a potential disruption to our and our customer's businesses from these changing climate patterns may cause us to experience work stoppages, project delays, financial losses and additional costs to resume operations such as increased insurance costs or loss of coverage, legal liability and reputational damage.
Mitigation: Chronic physical risks are identified at a project level and by accessing historical data on our HSSE dashboard.
Opportunities: This is often client driven and we now offer our clients the ability to embed adaptation and resilience into the front end of project design and delivery. See Our Sustainable Solutions section of the 2021 Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Report
Metrics Used:
- Please see KBR’s Corporate Carbon Footprint as per GHG Protocol - Greenhouse Accounting Standards [Link to carbon corporate footprint section in foleon]
- Please see Risk Management table above
- Please see our Scenario Modelling and Analysis for a Robust Strategy
Since 2019, we have achieved carbon neutrality by offsetting our reported Scope 1, 2 and 3 (business travel) emissions.
We have established emission targets, based on our sustainability metrics:
- We have committed to setting science-based emissions reduction targets and developing a net zero roadmap based on the criteria and recommendations of the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)
- Increasing Sustainable Travel:
Commit to reducing business travel by 25% by 2025:
- Updating our Travel Policy to reduce extraneous air travel
- Switching to virtual meetings where possible
- Reducing first and business class and using direct flights where possible
- Encouraging staff to use rail travel or other low-carbon methods of transport (public transport, coach, carpool etc.) instead of short-haul flights
Encouraging sustainable employee commuting by:
1. Providing more public transport incentives such as discounts and benefits for rail, bus and carpooling
2. Installing more electrical vehicle charging stations to our offices globally
3. Educating employees on the importance of green driving
Increasing the use of renewable energy by 100% across global sites by year 2025 by:
1. Becoming an equity investor in renewable energy projects
2. Developing our own microgeneration / decentralized electricity projects such as solar panels or small wind turbines at various office locations
3. Entering into long-term power purchase agreements and renewable energy certifications
Increasing KBR’s green vehicle fleet by 25% by the year 2025 by:
- Increasing the ownership / use of electric / hybrid or hydrogen-powered vehicles by ensuring any new vehicle purchases are green
- Installing infrastructure on site to encourage charging of company cars at KBR facilities for better oversight and control on electricity type used and subsequent emission reduction
2021 Sustainability Report – Links
External Links
Global Sustainability Policy
Global Human Rights Policy
Global Environmental Policy
CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion
Stuart Bradie Signs CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion Pledge | KBR
In Orbit: A KBR Podcast
UK Women in Defence Charter
Women in Nuclear UK Industry Charter
Educational Institution Partnerships
KBR Technical Journal
Cover - KBR Tech Journal Fall 2021 (
Ethics Hotline
Zero Harm Culture (HSSE foleon)
HSSE Policy
Total Safety Task Instructions
Courage to Care Conversations
The Keys
My Key
Safety Energy
Incident Investigation
Data Privacy Policy
KBR K-GreeN technology
KBR PurifierPlus
Our Climate Action
Anti-corruption and Compliance Program
Supplier code of conduct
Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Committee
Cybersecurity Committee
Audit Committee
Compensation Committee
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee
Carlos Sabater
Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Trafficking in Persons Policy
UK Modern Slavery Act Statement
Australia Modern Slavery Act Statement
Foleon Links
Corporate Carbon Footprint report
Offset Certificates
Renewable Energy Certificates
2021 Sustainability Report

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