Net Zero Project – Our 2021 Progress
In 2021, we have:
- Worked towards establishing our global emissions baseline for Scope 1, 2 and Scope 3 categories (Categories 1 – Purchased goods and services, 2 - Capital goods, 3 – Fuel and energy related activities, 6 -Business Travel, 7 - Employee commuting and 15 - Investments). Calculations involved the analysis of emissions data from 2019 and 2020, covering 131 sites and 28,000 employees across the globe
- Rolled out an emissions monitoring platform to help track Scope 1 and 2 emissions from our operationally controlled facilities, globally
- Aligned various data capture and reporting requirements across the global business.
- Identified emissions hot-spots and early-stage potential emissions reduction initiatives through a Scope 3 screening exercise
- Progressed with the capture of identified material Scope 3 emissions data including material Scope 3 Categories: 1 – Purchased goods and services, 2 - Capital goods, 3 – Fuel and energy related activities, 6 -Business Travel, 7 - Employee commuting and 15 – Investments.
- Identified and established internal processes and systems that will allow for effective development, assessment and implementation of net zero initiatives
- Worked with regional teams throughout the globe to capture existing regional sustainability initiatives for reducing carbon emissions
- Conducted early stakeholder engagement to ensure collaboration and transparency throughout the roadmap development and implementation process
In 2022, we will:
- Formalize our commitment to net zero emissions in accordance with the SBTi framework
- Establish KBR’s full Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions baseline
- Assess and calculate Scope 3 GHG footprint
- Work on developing our near- and long-term targets and submitting our roadmap for verification by the SBTi
- Continue to work with our partners to develop our roadmap and explore new initiatives and technologies for carbon reductions
- Continue engaging with stakeholders across our businesses and regions to share learnings and best-practice and ensure a collaborative approach in the rollout of reduction plans
- Implement discrete regional reduction programs tailored to the businesses and establish corporate level policies and procedures for a holistic approach to carbon reduction
- Work with business level procurement and corporate procurement to strengthen supply chain partnerships for collaborative reduction approaches

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