Our Corporate Carbon Footprint

Part of our Climate Action is knowing what our carbon footprint is year-on-year. We have therefore measured our Corporate Carbon Footprint for 2021 (January - December 2021) and re-calculated the Corporate Carbon Footprint for 2020 (January - December 2020). In performing these calculations, we have adhered to the world's most widely used greenhouse gas accounting standards for companies, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (GHG Protocol). Our full Corporate Carbon Footprint report provides an overview of the carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions generated by our business activities in 2021 and 2020. Business activities accounted for include Scope 1 (heating, cooling [refrigerant leakage], and vehicles), Scope 2 (electricity and heating), and Scope 3 (business travel: air, rail and road travel, and hotel stays). Scope 2 electricity emissions were calculated according to both the location-based and the market-based methodologies. Scope 3 emissions used a 2019 baseline to account for reduced business travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. This operational control approach was determined as to set organizational boundaries. The report provides an overview of Scope 1 and 2 emissions by the regions and countries in which we operate. In 2021, our business activities generated a total of 40,705.60 tonnes of CO₂e. The emissions have decreased by 71.85% compared to the 2020 baseline, when calculated using equivalent emission factors.
To maintain our status as carbon neutral we have added a 10% safety margin to our total emissions and offset the equivalent of 44,776.00 tonnes of CO₂
Please click here to see our offset certificate.
Our 2021 Corporate Carbon Footprint*

*Our 2021 corporate carbon footprint disclosures for scope 3 Category 4. Upstream Transportation and Distribution; Category 6. Waste and 8. Employee Commuting have only been calculated for our UK businesses so far. We are in the process of completing screening and calculations for scope 3 material categories for the remainder of the organization.

Renewable Energy Certificates
KBR’s Scope 2 footprint comprises almost entirely of electricity, which makes up 12% of our global emissions. This presents a significant opportunity for emission reduction, as part of our journey to becoming a net zero organization.
For 2021, KBR achieved zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for our electricity use across all global operations via the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs) ranging from solar to hydropower projects across our main geographies of UK, U.S., APAC and the Middle East . Through investment in these RECs, KBR is classified as being 100% renewable.
In line with our net zero emissions targets, KBR will continue to procure renewable energy for our global electricity use continuing our support of the global uptake of low-carbon energy solutions in a bid to minimize, reduce and prevent climate change.
We are actively investigating other opportunities to participate directly in the renewable energy field. This may extend to projects owned and technically supported by KBR.
To see our Renewable Energy Certificates for 2021, please click here.

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