Our Roadmap to Net Zero
The roadmap to net zero serves as a guide to reduce our direct and indirect emissions – otherwise known as Scope 1, 2 and 3. We do this by setting near and long term CO₂e emissions reduction targets. These targets are independently verified based on our business operations, size and locations throughout our value chain.
We have committed to reducing these emissions in the near term, in line with 1.5°C warming pathways, which is equal to 67% of all emissions. The commitment to our long-term target is to reduce emissions by 90%, while pursuing a removals pathway to neutralize the remaining residual emissions. Together, these reduction and removal pathways will enable KBR to reach net zero emissions in accordance with the SBTi standard.
During this transition, we will also follow the guidance of the SBTi and take action to mitigate emissions beyond our value chain. This will contribute to accelerating the global efforts of the net zero emissions transition.

Fundamental to the development of our roadmap and subsequent reduction initiatives is the establishment of our global Scope 1, 2 and 3 baseline. We are developing this along with processes to streamline data collection practices, while we will work on developing and finalizing our SBTi verified near and long-term targets.
To ensure the effectiveness of our carbon reduction strategies, every stage of the roadmap is highly collaborative between our global business and value chain stakeholders for full transparency and cooperation.

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