Mind Over Matter
OK NoW, KBR’s employee resource group dedicated to promoting mental well-being, is prepping to celebrate World Mental Health Day with a variety of exciting activities.
At KBR, people are the heart of everything we do, and the company is committed to creating diverse and inclusive work environments in which all team members feel safe, supported, respected, trusted and valued. Not only is each person provided access to opportunities that can help them grow and reach their full potential, but KBR also offers several outlets that enable employees to connect, build relationships and develop personally — KBR employee resource groups (ERGs).
These ERGs embody our ONE KBR culture by providing platforms for people to unite around their shared interests. One such ERG is KBR’s OK NoW (Network of Well-being). With a deep understanding of the importance of mental wellness, KBR advocates building personal resilience and educating people to take charge of their mental well-being. OK NoW helps facilitate this by encouraging having difficult conversations at work and in personal life about mental well-being. This includes hosting information sessions, Lunch and Learns and Tea & Talks.
OK NoW was previously only based in the U.K. but has expanded across the global KBR community and has a presence in a number of KBR offices. Today, there are dedicated Well-being Ambassadors at KBR locations around they world, who provide an empathetic and nonjudgmental ear to their colleagues, whenever they need.
OK NoW was founded and launched in Leatherhead, U.K. by Kim Coleman in 2017. The ERG was officially launched in the U.S. on World Mental Health Day (WMHD) 2019. Claudeen Seale, Rick Thomson and Pam Rai were the founding members of the U.S. chapter.
“On WMHD 2022, OK NoW launched formally in India, with teams spread across Chennai, and ITC Gurgaon and ITC Pune. The plan is to expand further to other areas in 2024,” says Coleman.
Staying true to the theme of mental health as a universal human right, preparations for WMHD celebrations are already in full swing across KBR.
On October 10, the ERG will officially launch its Keys to Mental Fitness. In addition, this WMHD marks the finale of KBR’s Baton Challenge.
The passing of the baton signifies we are not alone, we are a team of teams, and we are here to support one another. As the baton visits a KBR site, OK NoW simply asks that it be taken to as many meetings as possible — be it in person, hybrid or virtual — and that the person carrying it spends a few minutes sharing its message.
“We hope that the physical presence of the baton inspires interest and openness about the mental health resources available both through KBR and in your local area,” Coleman adds.
Visit the Baton Challenge page to read more on this initiative.
Additionally, OK NoW will roll out and conduct its annual WMHD photo challenge and promote the Well-being Ambassador Program. The ERG is also promoting mental fitness award nominations. Large-scale celebratory events are being planned in Houston, Leatherhead and India. Meanwhile, teams in Australia celebrated R U OK Day on September 14, held annually to encourage Australians to connect with people to address social isolation and to promote community cohesiveness.
KBR encourages making mental wellness a part of one’s daily routine. To that end, KBR provides all employees access to the meQ (or meQuilibrium) app, which helps monitor mental well-being by offering 24/7 support via exercises and a dedicated helpline.