Information Management
Gaining and maintaining situational awareness across the operating environment is key for all Australian Defence Force operations.
Comprehensive situational understanding through gold-standard information management supports rapid decision making and assists the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to achieve decision superiority during military operations. This includes high quality and innovative geospatial information and products.
To fully integrate and exploit current and future geospatial capabilities for the ADF, we provide:
Geospatial data processing
Development and integration of software and hardware systems for the ADF.
Map production
Development and integration of software and hardware systems for the ADF.
Geospatial professional services
First-line technical and operational support in software, geospatial and mission data.
Mission data sets are integrated into a variety of fixed, deployed and disconnected environments.
These include more than 20 defence sites such as Defence Protected Network and Defence Secret Networks (DPN/DSN) and Deployable ICT Defence networks.
We work closely with partners including Australian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation and the Department of Defence to enable the production and distribution of data and maps to meet the ADF’s operational and tactical needs.

Through KBR’s Information Management, we support the ADF by providing accurate and current information to military operators.
We ensure ADF personnel are equipped with the best information to make informed, tactical and strategic decisions. Information Management delivers vital data, products and services including:
- Mission Data Processing
- Moving Map Display Capabilities
- Geographic Names & Boundaries
- Oceanographic Maps
- Targeting Data
- Topographic Mapping
- Elevation and Depth Mapping
- Image Processing
- Aeronautical Chart Production
- Maritime Charts
Our geospatial specialists are trained in using modern geospatial processing solutions including:
- Esri Suite of Products
- Global Mapper
- GeoServer
Case study

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