A Word from the Board
KBR is fortunate to have an outstanding lineup of experts with extensive experience in numerous industries serving on our board of directors. These individuals not only work together to help guide our business strategies, monitor performance, evaluate risk, conduct oversight and much more — they’re also fascinating people!
In this edition, we’re proud to feature Mark Baldwin, who has served on KBR’s board since 2014. Mark brings his wealth of industry and financial expertise to KBR’s Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Committee and the Audit Committee, of which he is the chair.
Meet Mark Baldwin
KBR Board of Directors Service: Almost eight years
KBR Board Committees: Audit Committee and Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Committee
Birthplace: Houston, Texas
Lives in: Houston, Texas
Area(s) of Expertise: Finance and accounting
Favorite Hobby or Leisure Activity: Staying fit. Over the years I have completed numerous full marathons, summitted many of Colorado’s “14ers,” (58 mountain peaks in the U.S. state taller than 14,000 feet) and cycled a lot of “centuries.”
Favorite Place(s) You’ve Visited: I have always enjoyed visiting Australia. The people there are wonderfully fun loving, unpretentious and humble.
Favorite Book or Movie: While it is hard to pick out a single favorite book or movie, I have always enjoyed the action/adventure genre of movies, and for books, I enjoy biographies.
Read Mark’s full bio at KBR.com.
Tell us about your education and career.
My undergraduate education was in mechanical engineering, and then I received an MBA. My career was spent largely on the accounting and finance side of public companies but did include several “operating” roles. These operating positions helped give me a broader and deeper perspective of the business and empathy for my peers in operations when I returned to more traditional finance roles.
What’s a career highlight of which you’re particularly proud?
All careers are demanding and at times stressful. While my wife deserves most of the credit for us raising two wonderful sons, I strived to maintain a work-life-family balance that I believe is important for everyone.
What was your first association with KBR?
When I got out of school in 1977 and started work in Houston MW, Kellogg and Brown and Root were both very well-known, highly respected and admired Houston companies. Throughout the years since then, KBR has maintained a respected and enviable brand name. My first direct association with KBR was playing on a supplier team in Brown and Root’s charity golf tournament in the mid-1990s.
You’ve seen firsthand how the energy industry has evolved. Why is KBR’s domain expertise in sustainable technology solutions a potential game changer at this moment in time?
We are witnessing a fascinating time, as the world desperately needs to transition to greener energy sources and thus a green energy economy. This energy transition will require a lot of engineering and process expertise (such as ammonia, hydrogen, etc.), which plays right into KBR’s strengths.
How have connections — whether relationships, group involvement or something else — helped you in your life and career?
Time and again I was surprised how many times in my professional career I would encounter people who I had met previously in a business or social setting.
What are some tips you might offer employees for staying connected, personally or professionally?
Human connections and establishing friendships are what is important in life and work. I find connections established around common interests seem to strengthen the ties people have with one another.