Global Connections
There are approximately 28,000 KBR employees all across the globe. Though we are separated by miles, we are all connected and working together toward a common purpose — to deliver solutions that are changing the world while honoring our ESG (environmental, social and governance) commitments. In Global Connections, we celebrate KBR’s culture of inclusion and diversity by highlighting employees around the world and the communities where they live and work.
Dayton, Ohio - In Focus
Dayton is Ohio’s sixth-largest city and is located in the southwestern part of the state. It is also one of KBR’s fastest growing hubs in the United States .
KBR’s roots in Dayton date back as early as 1955. More than six decades later, our presence has grown to include a central hub of three offices that primarily support U.S. government customers and programs, including the U.S. Air Force and NASA. The city’s history as the “Birthplace of Aviation,” coupled with KBR’s deep expertise in the aerospace industry, creates opportunities for unique work and innovation.

The Dayton team provides a wide range of solutions supporting KBR’s Government Solutions business, including:
- Acquisition and life cycle management functional expertise
- Systems engineering
- Cybersecurity and intelligence
- Logistics analysis
- Sustainability analysis
- Test and evaluation
- Trusted and assured microelectronic research
- Reliability, maintainability, quality, supportability and interoperability analysis (RMQSI)
- Human health and performance research and training

Digitalization is a driving force behind the Dayton team’s delivery. Our experts recently launched an initiative to support a digital transformation campaign for the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). KBR will provide digital engineering strategies, training and technical support as customers move to embrace model-based systems engineering, DevSecOps and open data management practices.
Dayton is also home to the only U.S. government-owned man-rated centrifuge and research altitude chamber (RAC) in the U.S. In support of the 711th Human Performance Wing and AFRL, KBR experts in the chamber operate, maintain, and provide for those serving on the frontlines, as well as deliver health-related research and testing for operating in extreme environments. Reggie Hamilton has seen the transformation of KBR in Dayton firsthand. “Thanks to the hard work and dedication from our team here in Dayton, today we are now more than 400 strong and a proud contractor of choice in the local area,” said Hamilton, KBR Vice President, Defense and Intelligence. “Each day I have the opportunity to work with some amazing people who are committed to solving some of the world’s most complex challenges. I believe that commitment to our customers is what makes Dayton a special place to work.”

In addition to providing mission-critical solutions for its customers, KBR in Dayton is a true team-of-teams story. Our employees embody the principals of ONE KBR and act as one family to ensure knowledge sharing, collaboration and camaraderie across all three offices. One of the ways they maintain this sense of family is by putting an emphasis on inclusion and diversity and recognizing and celebrating differences. Connectivity has been a challenge because of COVID-19, so office leadership established weekly “Coffee Talk” meetings to keep communication lines open and to provide a space to discuss challenges and highlight successes.
When Dayton KBR employees are not in the office, many spend their time giving back though community outreach initiatives. During the holidays, the team participates in the annual Angel Tree program, sponsoring families with incarcerated parents to provide gifts and necessities for children. Several employees also run in the Army Ten-Miler and are active members of Team RWB (Red, White and Blue), a nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching veterans’ lives by building local outreach communities through social and physical activity.
“In the Dayton office, we have a strong sense of camaraderie and family,” said Lindsay Woolems, Senior Manager, Program Management. “Our team has always been very connected, and, despite our rapid growth, we have maintained that closeness. We collaborate across our various areas of expertise and celebrate our wins together. The team in Dayton trusts each other and relies on each other to be successful.”

“Thanks to the hard work and dedication from our team here in Dayton, today we are now more than 400 strong and a proud contractor of choice in the local area,”
– Reggie Hamilton, Vice President, Defense and Intelligence

Dayton Edition

Wilbur and Orville Wright, known as the Fathers of Aviation, were born in Dayton. In 2003, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 378 to 3 in 2003 to solidify that Ohio was the birthplace of aviation — not North Carolina as some claim.
Dayton’s population is 140,000 and more than 30,000 people are employed at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, is the world’s largest military aviation museum.
You can’t make this up: Dayton was founded on April Fool’s Day in 1796 by Benjamin Van Cleve.