Service Spotlight
KBR is proud of the dedication of its employees. As a way of saying “thank you” for their commitment, KBR recognizes employees marking every fifth service anniversary.
In Service Spotlight we feature just a few of these outstanding individuals and ask them about their time with KBR and what it has meant to them.

Gloria Bryant
20 years of KBR service
Senior RES Department Associate
Mail Services
Houston, Texas
What’s been the biggest highlight during your time so far at KBR? KBR has always had a wonderful volunteer program. For many years, I had a chance to volunteer in the laying of wreaths ceremony to honor deceased service members during the Christmas holiday. This was a memorable event because of the joy it brings to family members at that time of the year.
What has stood out to you about working at KBR? There are many things that stand out, but one thing that’s top of mind now is what the company is experiencing with COVID-19. KBR has continued to show employees how they are concerned about our care and well-being. We have been given great information and updates on how we can keep ourselves and family members safe while dealing with this pandemic.
What inspires you? I am inspired when I am given the opportunity to learn new things, problem-solve and overcome challenges.
What’s one thing on your bucket list? A trip to Paris.

Terry Harvey
40 years of KBR service
HSSE Director
Energy Solutions EMEA
Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia
What’s been the biggest highlight during your time so far at KBR? My career has been full of highlights, and I sincerely cherish all of the people, projects and journeys that KBR has afforded me during my career. I have worked all over the world — from pristine locations to austere conditions in war-ravaged countries — and it has all contributed to the many memorable chapters in my journey with KBR.
What inspires you? My family inspires me to strive to be the best that I can be while supporting them from long distances, such as my current assignment in Saudi Arabia. Also, KBR employees and people that we interface with daily are inspiring, with their insatiable desire to learn and innovate in constantly evolving social societies, cultures and economies.
What’s one thing on your bucket list? Hopefully my next holiday destination will be my favorite. Exploring the unknown is captivating, and I’ve been blessed to have traveled the world and experienced many cultures, local cuisines, sights and sounds. As I patiently look forward to the next adventure, I frequently and fondly talk about my experiences and memories working for KBR in some of the most interesting places.
What has stood out to you about working at KBR? I began my career with Brown & Root in 1978 in Houston, Texas, and have witnessed the evolving organizational structures throughout the Halliburton, Kellogg Brown & Root and KBR organizations. The people that I have worked with and continue to work with inspire me daily. Their desires to learn and adapt are fundamental to the KBR spirit and will continue to be an inspiration as we evolve in the 21st century.

Kathleen Fitzgerald
20 years of KBR service
Senior Document Management Specialist
Business Support & Delivery
Sydney, Australia
What’s been the biggest highlight during your time so far at KBR? Before coming on full time, I worked as a KBR contractor for three years. For me, the biggest highlight of the past 23 years has been working with people I’ve come to love and respect. I couldn’t imagine working anywhere else.
What has stood out to you about working at KBR? The KBR work fellows — Botany site people — the many characters I have met, and the laughs we’ve had over those years.
What inspires you? Loyalty.
What’s one thing on your bucket list? To keep working and make it until I’m 66 to retire.
Appreciation: Spread It Around
Recognition is an important thing for everyone, and KBR employees can do this for their colleagues every day in different ways, including nominating them for a KBR award, providing feedback during catchups, using the praise functions in Yammer groups, giving a simple “Thank you for your work today” at the end of the day, and the list continues!