Global Contingency Expeditionary Logistics
On Call to Respond to Crises Around the World
KBR globally delivers a wide range of diverse services in some of the most demanding and austere contingent environments. As a leading contingency contractor, KBR has mastered the art of operating in challenging support environments where flexibility of thought coupled with robust processes and procedures, backed by a bullet proof supply chain, make the impossible possible. These services may include the rapid establishment of a wide range of functions, such as airfield operations, facility construction and maintenance operations, full-service food operations, housing and billeting coordination and/or construction, and the full gambit of environmental support and compliance required for U.S. and host nation laws and regulations.
Area of Expertise
KBR teams can mobilize and respond to any event, within 24 hours, anywhere in the world. KBR’s full resources can be brought to bear within 72 hours—even to remote locations. We continue to provide contingency response for man-made and natural disasters, leveraging our international footprint, robust global supply chain, and experienced senior leaders.
Expeditionary Focus:
For more than 75 years, KBR has provided commercial solutions to military logistical challenges for uniformed and civilian agencies deployed both abroad and at home. KBR combines innovative Concept of Operations (CONOPs) developed by proven leaders that optimize supply chain performance and standardize processes to ensure quality supplier cycle time, delivery performance, and inventory management. These outcomes are enabled by KBR’s integrated, centrally-managed, global sourcing programs.
Base Life Support and Logistics Services:
This KBR core competency was refined during conflicts beginning with Balkan peacekeeping operations and then further refined to a razor’s edge in the Middle East. Only KBR can provide base life support for U. S. military, coalition forces and contractor personnel anywhere in the world starting from scratch and building functional cities in days. KBR integrates our delivery across all elements of operations using a proven, proprietary management approach.
Proven Performance
KBR’s team of contingency specialists has a trusted set of experience associated with:
Classified Containerized Housing Unit Construction
Marine Logistics (MCLOG)
Air Force Civil Augmentation Program (AFCAP)
Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) in Iraq
Between 2014 and 2021, KBR established and provided services for seven different sites, providing base and logistics services to 16,000 customers.
Countermeasures Acceleration Group (CAG) in United States
Formerly known as Operation Warp Speed, KBR rapidly established more than 60 sites in 2019 providing critical temporary infrastructure for the trials of the COVID-19 vaccine across the United States.
Operation Allies Welcome in United States and Europe
KBR established full support operations at nine locations on two continents providing housing, food services, and medical care for more than 58,000 displaced Afghans.
Global Contingency Construction Multiple Award Contract
Security, Disaster, Infrastructure Construction (SDIC) Contract; USACE Middle East District Construction (MED MATOC)
Why KBR?
KBR has supported military contingency activity, on a global basis, since the first major LOGCAP task was awarded in 1992. Currently, under LOGCAP, KBR supports a population of approximately 20,000 personnel spanning more than 50 locations across the U.S and Europe, delivering life support and logistics, Operations and Maintenance (O&M), general construction, and healthcare services. Also, as part of the LOGCAP V EUCOM and NORTHCOM scope, KBR provides rapid response support to scheduled and unscheduled theatre-wide U.S. Army training exercises. In EUCOM, KBR supported Defender-Europe 21, a large-scale, U.S. Army-led multinational, joint exercise spread across multiple European countries. This exercise involved more than 20,000 U.S. and multinational troops. In NORTHCOM, KBR supported Warfighter Exercises 21-3 and 21-4.
Next Steps
Let’s talk about your base operations and facility needs and how KBR can help you achieve them. Contact us to schedule a consultation with Michael.Flanagan@us.kbr.com.

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