Our Carbon Footprint
We have measured our corporate carbon footprint for 2022 calendar year. We have adhered to the world's most widely used greenhouse gas accounting standards for companies, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (GHG Protocol).
Our full corporate carbon footprint report provides an overview of our emissions generated by our business activities from 2020 - 2022 by the regions and countries in which we operate.
Business activities accounted for include Scope 1 (heating, cooling [refrigerant leakage], and vehicles), Scope 2 (electricity and heating), and Scope 3 (Category 3 - Fuel- and Energy-Related Activities Not Included in Scope 1 or Scope 2 and Category 6 - Business Travel). Scope 2 electricity emissions were calculated according to both the location-based and the market-based methodologies. Scope 3 emissions used a 2019 baseline to account for reduced business travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. We used the operational control approach in determining our organizational boundaries.
To maintain our status as carbon neutral for four consecutive years, we include a 10% safety margin to our total emissions of 54,931 kgCO₂e and offset the equivalent of 60,425 kgCO₂e in 2022. Please click here to see our offset certificate.
Overview of our emissions

Our Corporate Carbon Footprint

* The GHG information for the Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions reported by KBR for the period 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2022 is verified by an independent third-party to a limited level of assurance, consistent with the agreed verification scope, objectives and criteria.
Please note: Scope 1 emissions have increased due to improved primary and secondary data quality. Location-based emissions reflect the average emissions intensity of the grids where the energy is consumed, using grid-average emission factors. Market-based emissions reflect the emissions from the electricity that companies have chosen to purchase, of ten through contracts or renewable energy cer tificates (RECs). Scope 3 emissions referenced above relate to business travel and upstream emissions for fuel- and energy-related activities, the latter of which were calculated based on factors specific to indirect energy emissions and losses.
Our Scope 2 Progress

Over time we have reduced our location-based scope 2 emissions. With the implementation of our net-zero roadmap we will continue to reduce our location-based emissions, alongside our renewable energy strategy.

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